When the sun rises, the day breaks and when the sun sets, darkness creeps in.
The commitment of the sun to revolve round the whole earth, between the sunrise & sunset is none of our business; but this must occur if we still want to experience the occurrence of day & night.
John Maxwell said in a quote "When you make a commitment, you create hope; but when you keep a commitment, you create trust" and Sheena Iyengar also said in a quote "In order to 'hold fast' to something, one must allow oneself to be held to something. That commitment may be one of the hardest things to practice in a world of so much choice."
Make sure you're committed to that great dream in your hand & in the process, opportunity will collapse with your preparation; which will give birth to greatness.
By Temitayo Oyediran
(Director, Teesoft Limited)
Limited is a consulting and coaching company with expertise in project
management, service management, business analysis and personal/corporate
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