Monday, 13 January 2014

Attitude of Greatness!!!

In the process of being consumable, a fruit must first of all be sour before it become sweet, as riped.

Before the day breaks, there must have occurred, the darkest night.
Before you can become great, you must be able to find a problem, study it, research about it & figure out a solution before you implement it. Only then can you really attain greatness. 

And in your quest to solve this problem, greater problems occur, which you would have to deal with & learn from it, as you proceed further for greatness.
Kevin Kelly said in a quote: "The secret of fast progress is inefficiency, fast & furious and numerous failures" and John Harold Johnson also said in a quote "When I see a barrier, I cry, curse, then I get a ladder & climb over it."

This is the attitude of a great man, so change your attitude towards greatness.
By Temitayo Oyediran!!!

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