Thursday, 31 October 2013


As the world is experiencing globalization and businesses are looking for ways to response to these changes, it is very neccessary and imperative that we embrace innovation in all that we do as businesses or individuals.
To consider yourself as an innovator or if you have the innovator's DNA, these are some of the many questions you might genuinely want to ask yourself.
These questions not only help you to understand your innovation level but will also expose you to the possibility of becoming innovative; even if you never thought of yourself as being innovative.

Hal Gregersen and Jeff Dyer interviewed many CEOs of large organizations, who are also Innovators of their different companies and they concluded that many of these Innovators possess these skills;

1.) Discovery skills (Innovators)
2.) Delivery skills (Executors)
3.) Intermediate skills (Developers)

Innovators possess discovery skills to generate new ideas and Executors are there to execute those new ideas, while the Developers merge the generation of new ideas with the execution of those ideas.

Which one of these skills above do you possess?
If none, try this 5-question assessment test for Innovators below and see how you can enhance your innovative mind by engaging some or all of these questions.

1. Do you ask questions?
2. Do you observe things?
3. Do you network with great minds or like minds?
4. Do you experiment things to find out new ways of doing them?
5. Do you engage yourself in associational thinking?

These questions are not to discourage you but to encourage you to be more innovative, by engaging yourself in doing these things.

So, my next question is... Are you an Innovator, Executor or a Developer?
What skill set do you possess as an Entrepreneur, Professional or even as a Student?
Leave your comments below and I hope to connect with you...

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  1. Wonderful write up and great inspiration. I think one has to discover where he or she belongs in this group in order to be more productive

  2. Yes, one need to know if he/she is an Innovator, an Executor or a Developer; so that one can function adequately.
    Thanks for your comment, Adedeji.
