There are ways that you can adopt the rigorous processes of experiencing personal growth and it's dependent on which area of your life requires growth, but the essential aspect to be conscious about is that personal growth must adhere to some simple steps before one can actually grow. I believe these qualities can bring about great transformation and it's indeed a personal desire for someone to want to grow;
1.) Achievable: In whatever aspect of life you desire to experience growth, you must be able to ascertain that the growth is something that is achievable and not just mere desire or wish. Conclude in your mind that you can achieve the growth that you desire and settle in your heart that you'll do all it takes to attain this level of growth that you've proposed for yourself. This is what I believe should be one of the first things you have to decide before committing yourself to rigorous activities that'll bring about personal growth. There are distinctive features of an achiever that make them believe that nothing is impossible for them to achieve and this believe is what make them commit to advancing and progressing in whatever they've set their minds to achieve. This is such a great quality for anyone that wants to be an achiever. Reason being that achievers don't believe in quitting; even when they lose but they persist till they end up winning.
2.) Sequential: Growth must be realized on a sequential basis, and this is where you plan to take growth one step at a time. If you plan to grow in many areas of your life at once, it will be difficult or impossible. You must plan to achieve your proposed level of growth in one area of your life before the other. Don't ever try to achieve growth in multiple areas all at once, as this will bring about confusion; and when you're in a confused state, it will be almost impossible to realize or achieve any desired goal for personal growth.
3.) Visible: As part of the qualities to show that you've experienced personal growth; at least it must be visible to people that a level of growth has been achieved by you. This simply means that your growth is obvious to people to know that you've attained growth in the way you relate with them. This is when you hear statements such as this;
e.g. "David, you've changed. You don't get angry as before."
I tend to believe that the end-result of your growth plan is not when people can see that you've grown but when you've attained your own desired goal for the growth that you've set. Nevertheless, part of the visibility of your personal growth is when people (on the outside) can experience the growth that has taken place on your inside, through outward manifestation.
However, one challenge is that if you cannot see the end-result of your plan for growth, then you won't be encouraged enough to take the next step on your progress plan; as it means that your growth doesn't look visible for you to achieve.
4.) Reproductive: Success is sweet if you can reproduce the same process for achieving the success for your growth. As we know that growth takes a little bit of effort to succeed, so it's sweet when your planned level of growth has been realized and you're able to replicate the same process for growth at other areas of your life. It is very essential to be able to reproduce the same result for growth in other areas of your life. This means that if you could do it before, then I can assure you that you will definitely be able to do it again.
5.) Measurable: Growth should be measurable so that you can easily identify the level at which you've been able to achieve your planned growth. That is, if you can measure the difference between your previous state and your current state, whether the different is what you've envisioned or not as proposed.
For example: If you're on diet as a result of you watching your weight and you do not take time to actually check yourself on the scale if you've actually lost any weight or not; then it is useless that you were even watching your weight in the first instance.
With this qualities highlighted above, I believe that I've been able to convince you on why it's necessary for us to measure our personal growth for success. It's essential that we measure our actions taken towards achieving any goal such as personal growth and we would be certain of how far we've actually gone in our quest for personal growth.
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I also look forward to learning vital lessons from you all.
Thank you for taking your time to read and contribute.
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