Friday, 27 January 2017

Boldness - Video 2 of "GROW 2017" series!!!

REALIZE - Review it to see where it lies.

REALIZE - Review it to see where it lies.

Goals must be reviewed if the agreed benefits will be realized or not.

So, here are some questions for you to ponder on...

How real are the goals that you have for this year?
Have you reviewed them to ascertain that they are realisable?

You cannot realize anything that has no end-result or expected end. Constant review of your goals doesn't ridicule your ability to achieve them but just to confirm the relevance of the goals to your overall dream.

This year is temporary and will surely come to an end but the beauty of the year will be the realisation of those goals that you've set to achieve this year.

The reason why many people don't end up achieving their goals is because they fail to review the goal to see where it lies or where it will end (i.e. What will be the end-result)

Also, take time out to review your self through self-examination and see if there's need for adjustment or restructuring. Without review, you might be going on the path of destruction but when you constantly review your life and your goals, it will help you to re-adjust and to put things back in order if they've deviated to a wrong path.

As the year is still very fresh and new, it is still possible for you to make plans and work towards achieving your goals but you have to ensure that you constantly take time to review your goal/plan, to see where it lies.

Thank you.

Written by: 
Temitayo Oyediran,
Author of "Self Identification Management (SIM book)"
Coach, Consultant and Project manager.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Awareness - Video 1 of "GROW 2017" series!!!

ACTUALIZE - Act To See where it Lies.

ACTUALIZE - Act to see where it lies.

Act on that which you've seen as possible.
Act to develop yourself more and more.
Act on those goals that you have set but are yet to be fulfilled.
Act as if today was your last day.
Act to make this life a better place for yourself and others.

It is nice to plan but it's equally essential to stick to the plans; because your actions are the paths that will lead you to where you're going.
You don't get to finish a journey by mere thinking about the journey alone but when you act on which medium to use in getting to your destination. 

Don't just dream but act to reflect what you've seen.

Lastly, I challenge you to please act on that dream of yours, no matter how impossible it may look or sound. 

Just act on it and see where it lies.

Thank you.

Written by:
Temitayo Oyediran,
Author of "Self Identification Management (SIM book)"
Coach, Consultant and Project manager.

CONCEPTUALIZE - Think of a Concept and See where it Lies.

CONCEPTUALIZE - Think of a concept and see where it lies.

Is your concept valuable?
Is your concept achievable?
Is your concept profitable?

These are vital questions toward what you're likely to see through the lenses of your 'conceptualised eyes'.

When you generate a concept in your mind, it is just a thought but it takes a little bit of effort to proceed further. 
Do the following three things about your thought (i.e. Concept) and you would have achieved a certain level of progress.

1.) Believe in the thought.
2.) Document the thought.
3.) Begin to work on the thought.

To me, every concept must go through these three stages before it becomes a reality. Many concepts die at the first stage while a lot more of the concepts do not make it through to the third stage of the concept development, as highlighted above.

To achieve anything, it must first be conceived in the mind and from that instance you have to ensure that you see where the concept lies; else you might just be working on a dead concept without any life in it.

So, today I challenge you with this...

If you can see where your concept lies, please believe in it, document it and start working on it.

Thank you.

Written by: 
Temitayo Oyediran,
Author of "Self Identification Management (SIM book)"
Coach, Consultant and Project manager.

VISUALIZE - View To See Where it Lies!

VISUALISE - View To See Where it Lies.

What can you see in yourself? 
What can you see in this year 2017?
What can you see in that situation that you've going through?
Are you seeing possibility or difficulties?
Are you seeing positivity or negativity?
Are you seeing opportunities or threats?

Ask yourself these questions, because what you see today will determine where you'll lie tomorrow; if you'll end up lying in a place of rest or hardship...

Think Distinctively, think Differently and don't Diminish!!!

Written By: Temitayo Oyediran,
Author of Self Identification Management (SIM).
Consultant, Coach and Project Manager.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Call to RESCUE!!!

We've all been hit with one storm or the other and we've sort of look at ourselves and say something like this; I wish I was well prepared for that... But you know what, you can never be over-prepared for difficulties but you can certainly be under-prepared when it hits.

Most of the times, we tend to think that we cannot fall or fail in our area of strength and this thinking make us prepare more for the things that we're not so good at (i.e. our weaknesses) while our area of strength suffers preparation.

These things happen more often and they're real, so they must be dealt with urgently. They can also cause blockage or roadblock for us along the way as we persistently climb up the ladder of success.

And if you may ask me, why is this message focusing mainly on the aspect of "storm"?
This is simply because some of us might be facing some storms right now and it may look as if we cannot come out of them or possibly, we may just need a little PUSH for us to come out of such situation.

My name is Temitayo Oyediran and I'm the new guy in your neighbourhood. As part of my contribution to your success, I'm willing to serve you by helping you out of this situation, quicker and better.

How am I sure that I can help you out of the stormy situation?
Because I've been there before and for this reason, I've completed the development of a programme (i.e. SIM Programme) that is specifically tailored to your situation and this will help you to unravel your distinctiveness and then work towards managing these distinctive features to achieve great success and fulfilment.

To benefit from this, all you have to do is pick up your phone and call us or reply to this email, stating your interest and one of the team members at SIMBook1 can get in touch with you...

I challenge you to continue believing in your UNIQUENESS, so that you can stay RELEVANT!!!

Meet the new guy in your neighbourhood!

According to research by a psychologist named Anna Freud, she discovered that in the process of identification, children unconsciously adopt the characteristics of their parents and begin to associate themselves with the behaviours of their parents. (i.e. Primary Identification)

If this is true, then it becomes essential for such a child to at least make an effort by encouraging himself/herself to figure out his/her true self; but this must be done consciously, as it requires a lot of commitment and dedication before the child can unravel his/her true self-identity.

Okay, let me not bore you with too much information on here but you can easily find out more on how to manage your self-identification from my newly published book titled "Self Identification Management (SIM)." Handbook on how to manage your self identity. Learn to know more, become more and give more.

Here is the link below, so go ahead and grab yourself a copy and also get for your friends, associates and loved ones that you care so much about their success and fulfilment.

Lastly, I'll like to commend you for taking the bold step of wanting to discover those true potentials inside of you that are yet to be of great use to you nor your environment; as I've stated in the book that this book is not for everyone but those that are intentionally willing to unravel the distinctiveness in them.

Be Distinct, be Different and don't Diminish!!!

Timely Plan vs Yearly Plan.

Oh, what a privilege to be able to share this with you all and I'm really excited about it.
It's that time of the year again when goals will be set for the year 2017 and everyone is all getting ready to start doing something new and dropping some old habits behind.

I commend you for taking these bold steps and I hope they all pay off at the end.

However, there is something critical that I believe is missing from all of these preparations and that is what I want to address in this personal letter to you, as you're reading this.

Most people (and I mean a very high percentage of planners all over the world) tend to make plans on a yearly basis and we forget that there are 12 valuable months in that one year that require planning.

Let me quickly break it down so that you can understand the point that I'm trying to make here...

There are 12 months in a year, 4 weeks in a month, 7 days in a week, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour and we also have 60 seconds in one minute.

My next question is, why then do we only focus on the biggest part of the equation and we neglect the tiniest piece of our lives?
But, let us not forget that those tiny pieces of our lives matter a lot in the achievement of our overall yearly plans; therefore we must consciously work out a plan for them too.

So, here is the challenge for you and I?

This year is going to be a great year for us but we need to have what I call "Second-ly Plan" (i.e. Plan for every second of the day).

I want to encourage you to create processes for you to achieve your "Second-ly plans", which will eventually add up to your overall yearly plan; while ensuring that you're able to measure your progress accordingly.

Journey through year 2017 with a Process-Driven Mindset, where all your plans must be achieved through determination, motivation and commitment. 

This challenge is personal and requires your commitment to develop in the areas that you want to grow, this year.

Written by:
Temitayo Oyediran,
Author of Self Identification Management (SIM).
Coach, Consultant and Project Manager.

Thursday, 5 January 2017


Merry Christmas to you...

Christmas has been known to be the season of gifting, so we can't afford not to share some gifts with our loved ones during this period.

Here is the challenge from me to you...

How do you know what to give as a Christmas gift?

Gifts come with their benefits when they meet the relevant need of the recipients and they also serve as inevitable ingredients in the process of a perfect love. Most essentially, love is a catalyst that can determine the quality of gift that must be given.

There's no way you can show love to someone without an involvement of gifting; and this can come in various forms such as spending time, sacrifice, giving flowers and hanging out together in preferred places... The truth is that all of these will definitely cost you something and it's a choice if you want to truly show love to others.

However, no one knows how to show love to others without first loving himself/herself. 

To enjoy this festive period, I encourage you to take time out to rest, spend quality time with loved ones and devote sometime to learning...

That is, learning how to manage your self identity. 

If you want to find out more, click the link "Buy Now" below...

This could be that perfect christmas gift that you will ever give to yourself and anyone that you care so much about. 

***Have a wonderful christmas!***