Friday, 31 March 2017

Justify - Video 10 of "GROW 2017" series.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Innovation - Video 9 of "GROW 2017" series.

Friday, 3 March 2017


For every growth to be visible to people, it must possess an evidence as proof that growth has actually occurred or taken place.

Let us quickly examine some of the kinds of growth that happen in this world and one of them is the growth with plants. For example: When a farmer plants the seed into the soil, it dies and then starts growing but we might not see the growth of the plant with our naked eyes until when the plant start springing forth from under the soil. Then, it becomes evident to us that such plant is experiencing growth.
This method of growth also applies to other areas such as business growth, financial growth, personal growth and other types of growth that may happen or affect us as human beings but our focus in this article is only about personal growth, simply because it cuts across other types of growth that we may be experiencing or that we may ever experience in the future. 
Personal growth is an experience of increase in the life of someone and this could be in the form of increased wisdom, achievement, accomplishment or even in maturity. This is the kind of growth that can make someone do things differently than his/her usual or previous ways of doing things.

Further explanation on growth is detailed in my book titled "Self Identification Management - SIM. Learn to know more, become more and give more.You can purchase a copy of the book from Amazon, to understand more about self growth. Click the link below;

Also, let me not forget to mention that ageing is an automatic occurrence but growing is a choice; in that it takes a level of effort to grow, and an individual must be committed to growing before taking the required steps for growth.
As this article is all about the proof of growth, so let's discuss some of the evidences to show that someone has experienced exponential personal growth?


1.) Access to more responsibilities: Because of personal growth, it almost automatically bring about more opportunities for you to take up more roles and responsibilities because your capacity to do more has suddenly increased due to your awareness of the necessity for growth. If you've grown in the aspect of acquiring more skills from trainings at work or even as an entrepreneur, it means that more work will be delegated to you as responsibilities and as a result of that you get rewarded for being diligent towards the responsibilities/duties.

2.) Become more valuable: Value beget value because it's reciprocal. If you deliver value to others, you're most likely to be valued in return. It's so much like investment where you're guaranteed a 'Return Of Investment' when you invest your money in certain businesses that you think will make profit for you; likewise you'll be valued back in return, when you make yourself more valuable to others, and this will bring about so much respect to you from people that have directly 
or indirectly benefited from the value that you've delivered to them. Besides, respect from people towards you is a form of growth to your personality and it creates room for opportunities to come knocking at your door.

3.) Constructive behaviour: Individual growth can be measured by the way you construct or structure your behaviours to meet different circumstances and situations. As you grow, you develop a patterned way of behaving that can portray to people that you're no longer the same person that they used to know but you've now grown to a different personality.

For example: You no longer get angry easily or tell lies anymore; which means that you've now understood the consequences of doing those things that you were not meant to be doing.

4.) Display of wisdom: As we know that wisdom is the application of knowledge; therefore, it equally means that misapplication of knowledge is foolishness. Acquiring knowledge is not an automatic occurrence but you have to commit yourself to learning, assimilating and then test yourself on the subject you've studied to be sure that you really know what you've learnt. This proves that you've attained a level of growth, with the way you display wisdom to the things that matter.

5.) Encouragement to others: When you've experienced personal growth, you're directly and indirectly a source of inspiration to other people around you (most especially those that knew you before) and now that they can see how much you've changed in your actions and behaviours, they may come and ask you to give them tips on how you've suddenly grown to a different person. Don't be afraid, it simply means that your growth is encouraging other people to also want to work on their growth; because they can see the evidence of your growth in almost everything that you do nowadays. Therefore, don't relent on your growth but keep developing yourself so that other people around you or far away can also grow.

I'll like to end this article on this note, that growth is essential and it's very important that we have evidences as proofs to show that we've attained a particular level of growth that we may have experienced.
Remember, live to grow while you grow to live.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


I feel challenged and compelled that there is a need for me to address this issue of everyone trying to do things like other people.
It's no longer a strange thing and we see it everywhere, most especially on social media networks where someone is doing something because everyone else is doing it (e.g. facebook live or snapchat).

However, I'm not condemning the use of any of these social media platforms or tools as they are used by many people for different reasons. Some people get uplifted and encouraged by listening to someone sharing vital information from facebook live while others maybe using it to insult or condemn someone else; so it really depends on what they are used for.

This article is not to address that aspect of social media saga but mainly for the purpose of making us aware of the benefits in creating or developing a 'PERSONAL SYSTEM' that works only for you as an individual.

Let me break it down for you so that you can understand better...

I mean, each individual has been uniquely created and designed for unique purpose; though some of us may look very much alike but we still possess different personalities and so should our ways of doing things be different.
I'm of the believe that the way most of us do things these days have been embedded in us as a result of what our parents or guardians taught us or what we picked up as a result of accumulating knowledge through observation (i.e. when you observe what other people are doing and you do likewise). I have no problem with the aforementioned approaches for accumulating knowledge but my concern is with the application of such knowledge and this brings me to the main part of my discussion about personal system.

You see, systems are essential to day to day management of things and most importantly, business leaders use it to build a structure around their businesses so that the business model that they're operating on is still very effective and relevant.

Perhaps, you're wondering whether systems can only work for businesses and not work for you as a person... I'm simply going to explain the few points listed below as components why I think personal system works and every one of the components must work in accordance to timing. This life is limited to time-factor (i.e. the number of years to spend on earth) because we're time-bound while here on earth so we have to constantly and consciously think of how to maximise the time that we have, in order to achieve our ultimate goal here on earth.

Components of personal system.

1.) Personal plan: A plan puts you in direction of how to navigate yourself in order to achieve a goal. Your goal is personal to you, so it requires that you figure out how to develop a plan to support that goal of yours. A personal plan doesn't have to be cumbersome but it must be precise and detailed to your personality. You know yourself, so your plan must suit you as a person. 
That is why it may be very difficult or complicated for anyone that has not identified himself or herself to develop a personal plan or to fully benefit from a personal plan.

2.) Personal processes: Processes are steps that must be taken for a goal to be achieved. As a matter of fact, these steps must be taken consecutively (i.e. One after the other) in order to achieve a goal. The process for brushing your teeth maybe very different for one person than the other. Also, people have different ways for ironing their clothes, as one person may iron without spraying any ironing water/spray but someone else may always have to spray the cloth while ironing. Personal process is simply based on what works for you as a person and not just because everyone is performing that task a certain way, then it must be the only way to performing the same task. 
For example; I have my own special and personal way that I read when I want to assimilate everything that I'm reading and I'm very certain that it's different from the way that another person will read and assimilate quickly. As soon as I realised this, I quickly wrote the steps down somewhere so that it can serve as my own personal process/steps for me to read and understand.

3.) Personal contingency and continuity plan: Most people don't usually plan for the worse and that is just the nature of an average person, so it's not a crime but it's advisable that one should plan for any uncertain event or situations that can prevent you from going according to your proposed plan in achieving your goals in life. Ensure to set a continuity plan as well, just in case of any issue or situation that may want to prevent you from fulfilling your purpose in life. 
These things are very essential because while you're struggling to get something right, someone is doing everything to make sure that it's done wrongly so you need an extra force to combat any form of negativity against your goal in life. 

4.) Personal tolerance level: Not everything that is good for others is equally good for you and your destiny.
There is a level at which you can tolerate what others do to you and there are other instances when you just don't tolerate their behaviour towards you at all. The difference is that you can strike a balance between what you can tolerate and what you cannot tolerate; so you've already created the boundary of what is acceptable from others and what is not. This form of personal tolerance level helps to build trust and unity between you and the people around you, in that everyone is aware of the personal boundaries and they endeavour not to go beyond such boundaries.
Also, there must be a personal tolerance level to your emotions, in that you don't get upset every time someone offends you or step on your toes. It will take a rigorous decision and determination before you can set the personal tolerance level for your emotions because it cut across most of your decisions. 

5.) Personal reporting toolOf course, we are growing daily but the reason why it's not visible is because we are not measuring our growth. Well, I say that because I expect everyone to be growing not only in age but in wisdom and knowledge on a daily basis; and I refer to it as Daily growth.
Personal growth can only be measured if you have a reporting tool (i.e. PERSONAL PERFORMANCE INDICATOR) that provide details of your daily/weekly/monthly or yearly growth as a report, so that you can be aware of the level of your growth. So, I challenge you to set some indicators for yourself that can help you to know if you've acquired more knowledge today than yesterday or if you've achieved more goals this week than last week or if you've taken a step further in achieving your bigger/long-term goals. 

6.) Personal policy: I believe personal policies are the guidelines to how an individual must act and this provides the individual with consequences to every of their actions. You don't just do things because everyone else is doing it but because it resonate with your way of life and because your personal policies agree to it. e.g. You don't just open your mouth and talk anyhow and at anytime but you compare or weigh the situation at hand with your personal policy, to confirm if it's permissible to do so or not.

7.) Personal principles: These are certain rules that govern my decision to do anything as an individual. I have to abide by these personal laws and concepts before I can agree to any offer, proposal or enticement of any kind. I class this as a test of personality, in that you cross-check any information, idea, suggestion or opinions that are coming from the outside world to you and you judge them against your personal principles if the result is a YES/NO.

I'll conclude this article on this note...

Remember that your personal system is the foundation upon which your personality stands as an individual and the stronger your personal system is, the better you're able to fully understand yourself; and the more you're able to fully understand yourself and your personality, the higher your chances of achieving all your goals in life and eventually fulfilling your purpose of existence.

Written by: Temitayo Oyediran
Author of Self Identification Management (SIM)
Coach, Consultant, Project and Service Manager.