Friday, 4 November 2016


It's official, my book is out of Amazon.

Go get yourself a copy of my book titled "SELF IDENTIFICATION MANAGEMENT (SIM), Handbook on how to manage your Self Identity.
Learn to know more, become more and give more"; written by Temitayo Oyediran.

Self Identification Management (SIM) is not just an ordinary book or series of texts that you must read in order to prosper in life. It is a tool that you must plug or insert into your life...

Go to the link below to purchase your copy of the book.

Contact me if you have nay further question.

Thank you and God bless.

By the Author,

Temitayo Oyediran.


Keys to listening effectively.

Not a lot of people listen, only a few actually understand what you're saying and why you've said what you must have said.

Why is it so difficult for people to grasp what they hear or what they've been told? It's because people find it very easy to hear but they find it difficult to listen.

What do I mean by people hearing you but they are not listening to you?

It takes great energy to listen to someone trying to pass a message across to you or when having a serious discussion. This energy is what most people don't want to extract from themselves in order to give an absolutely fulfilling concentration to any conversation.

Because I have encountered this issue of people not listening to you when you speak; though they claim that because they can hear what you are saying, it automatically means that they are actually listening; whereas it's the other way round.

In my own opinion, I think listening is not just the act of opening your ears to hear something but the essence of opening your mind to receive something tangible from the conversation and trying to grasp the most important aspect of the conversation, even if you're unable to grasp everything therein.

I have identified few keys that can boost our listening skills and they are listed below:

1.) Attention
2.) Focus
3.) Understanding 
4.) Reproduction.

ATTENTION: It is absolutely useless to spend time talking about an issue with someone and that person is not giving attention to what you're saying, though they claim to be hearing you. It goes beyond just hearing but an extra effort must be applied in order to be attentive to what is been said. Only then will you be able to grasp the best out of that conversation or discussion. Attention does not only mean that you stare at the person having that conversation with you but it's a devoted effort of concentrating on the conversation and not just the speaker.

FOCUS: I can guarantee you that you can easily tell when people are focused on what you're saying to them or if they're just merely looking at you without any focus. It takes a concentrated mind to fully understand the deepest part of every conversation. The person that hears alone will only be scratching the surface while the one that focuses on listening very well has the advantage of gaining deeper knowledge of the discussion. To focus in a conversation is to extract the best of the conversation to the advantage of both the speaker and the receiver.

UNDERSTANDING: We tend to understand more when we make an effort to gain more knowledge about an issue of discussion. Because, we begin to research more or ask more questions about the issue, so that we can unravel hidden treasures. Understanding an issue is the ability to go to the foundation of that issue and dig out facts that help in resolving the issue. When we are full of understanding, we must have taken time and commitment to finding out facts from there; which means that we acquire more knowledge and awareness.

REPRODUCTION: It is a waste of knowledge and resources when you have gained a deeper understanding of a topic and you are unable to reproduce what you've learnt or what you now know about the subject. If you gave yourself to proper listening and grasping of facts about the subject, it will be easier for you to reproduce such learning and transfer it into other people by delivering it into their lives; so that they can also reproduce it into the lives of others. This ensures that what you've learnt stay in you for a longer time and will also enhance your understanding of the subject, as a result of further research that you'll do so as to be sure of your understanding of the subject. Reproduction is the end-result of listening effectively, in that you can't claim to understand a topic or discussion if you can't reproduce the vital portion of what has been discussed.

As we go about our daily activities, let us endeavour that what we hear goes beyond our hearings alone but we're sure to be listening to what has been discussed, so as to grasp the best part of the conversation.