Thursday, 31 October 2013

Appreciate to initiate.

"The root of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness."~Dalai Lama

They say when we appreciate the little, we create an opportunity to receive more.

I'll encourage you to appreciate life, appreciate what you have today as you fight ahead for a better tomorrow, appreciate your friends & family, because they are always there for you even when things don't go as you plan it.
When we appreciate, it initiates love, caring and respect. It's  something of deeper feelings and further engagement between two people; so appreciate more and you will be initiating a deeper level of communication beyond the surface.
Today is another opportunity for you to show that their impact in your life has made a big difference; so go ahead & show them that you also care for them, even as they care for you.

I appreciate you for who you are & what you're doing for & together with me. And that's why you're reading this!
Make it a point of duty for you to shower someone with a whole lot of appreciation today.
Good morning and have a wonderful weekend!

Follow on twitter: @TeesoftCL

Questionable mindset.

"Asking questions is the secret of every good conversation; I'm curious about everything."-Larry King (Television Host) explained in his book, 'How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.'

I'll begin by asking you this;

How are you feeling today?

Remember that your feelings affect your actions & decisions, which enhance your attitude to produce an outcome...

I implore you to please embrace a positive attitude, no matter the circumstance and you will be motivated for something great.
I feel great today!!!

So, go ahead and tell me; how do you feel???


As the world is experiencing globalization and businesses are looking for ways to response to these changes, it is very neccessary and imperative that we embrace innovation in all that we do as businesses or individuals.
To consider yourself as an innovator or if you have the innovator's DNA, these are some of the many questions you might genuinely want to ask yourself.
These questions not only help you to understand your innovation level but will also expose you to the possibility of becoming innovative; even if you never thought of yourself as being innovative.

Hal Gregersen and Jeff Dyer interviewed many CEOs of large organizations, who are also Innovators of their different companies and they concluded that many of these Innovators possess these skills;

1.) Discovery skills (Innovators)
2.) Delivery skills (Executors)
3.) Intermediate skills (Developers)

Innovators possess discovery skills to generate new ideas and Executors are there to execute those new ideas, while the Developers merge the generation of new ideas with the execution of those ideas.

Which one of these skills above do you possess?
If none, try this 5-question assessment test for Innovators below and see how you can enhance your innovative mind by engaging some or all of these questions.

1. Do you ask questions?
2. Do you observe things?
3. Do you network with great minds or like minds?
4. Do you experiment things to find out new ways of doing them?
5. Do you engage yourself in associational thinking?

These questions are not to discourage you but to encourage you to be more innovative, by engaging yourself in doing these things.

So, my next question is... Are you an Innovator, Executor or a Developer?
What skill set do you possess as an Entrepreneur, Professional or even as a Student?
Leave your comments below and I hope to connect with you...

follow us on twitter @TeesoftCL
like our facebook page: Create: Motivate: Innovate

Thursday, 24 October 2013


To understand motivational force, we must first agree that force is an influence that produces a change on an object and motivation also is an influence that helps people to make the move or to be in motion.

Let's look at few things about making the move toward achieving progress. I believe we all agree that motivation involves energy and we must use the energy, which is our ability or capacity to apply forces for movement. So therefore, if we have to be motivated or we want to motivate people, we have to apply the force that will move them from where they are to where they ought to be.

I will not agree less with the great physician, Isaac Newton, who stated his second law of motion as this: "The change of momentum of a body is proportional to the impulse impressed on the body, and happens along the straight line on which that impulse in impressed".
Simply put, it means that if a force generates a motion, then a double force will generate double the motion and so on.

If you've ever been beside a pregnant woman when she's in labour, you would agree with me that she's an expectant woman but at the same time, she's in pain trying to deliver the baby. And because of the pain, there's need for her to encourage herself to forcefully look beyond the pain and just deliver the baby. You will also notice that the word 'PUSH' is repeatedly mentioned by the people in the delivery room and this is meant to serve as an external 'Motivation force' that would make her apply more energy to birth the baby. On the other hand, we would observe that there's little or no such thing as an external 'Motivational force' for most of the animals when they're trying to deliver their babies, because their fellow animals may not know how best to motivate them at this stage; so these pregnant animal will perpetually have to remind themselves to make use of their internal 'Motivation force', in order to deliver their babies safely.

We would also understand from the above illustration that the process of applying motivational forces to deliver the babies by bo
 human beings and animals is not just a physical process but a mental process. It must penetrate into their inside and its effect would be seen or felt on the outside.

One of the greatest psychologists, Abraham Maslow used this word 'MetaMotivation' to describe the way that self-actualized people motivate themselves with innate forces beyond their basic needs, in other to go extra-mile beyond the ordinary people.In his book 'Hierarchy of needs', Maslow also explained his 'Motivation theory' that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs, and certain lower factors need to be satisfied before higher needs can be satisfied.

It is believed that motion is a change of state and behind any motion for achievement, there must be a force; which means that every change of state will have to involve motion and must be backed up by motivation force.

We can now conclude by saying that the motion towards satisfying our needs or achieving our goals in life can be enhanced or improved 
by effective motivation and the motivational force behind this motion is mentality coordinated and not physical; hence the reason why we have to merge our internal motivational force with external motivational force to deliver great achievements.

Be motivated for greatness!!!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Believe your words to understand your world.

"Have an understanding so that there won't be a misunderstanding. You must be able to see something clearly in your mind before you can say it clearly with your mouth." ~ Charles Blair. 

In some cases, people want to see you before they believe what you say but in most cases, people want to believe what you say before they can see you. 

In whatever case it is, the most important part of any conversation is that you must believe what you want to say before you say what you believe and that is understanding.

In as much as your words are right for your target audience, it would be convenient for the audience to see through your words and understand what you believe. Make constant effort to convince yourself that you're saying the right thing and admit it when you've deviated. From this, you build up the confidence to engage anyone listening to you when you talk.
Besides, your words describe who you are; so it is important to understand what you want to say even before you say them.

I will finish by asking you this;
What are you saying today?
Do you really understand it and do you also believe it?

Leave your comments here below...

Friday, 4 October 2013

Energy Disposal.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be changed into different forms.

In order words, your energy disposal should be proportional to your value delivery and vision accomplishment. If it doesn't go together with your vision, it needs not extract more of your energy and you should better focus more on those things that perpetually contribute towards the accomplishment of your goal.

Let me briefly explain simple but unique features of a lion. 
A lion will never go after its prey unless its hungry and when that happens, it does everything possible by applying all the tactics of killing the prey. Lions don't go hunting alone, they have a strategy of hunting as a team (i.e. more than two lions).

In an attempt to make a dream come true, the greater part of our energy must be directed towards the good cause of the dream & it starts by taking the right steps today and also networking with the right set of people that are focusing on great things as well. 

Niccolo Machiavelli said in a quote: "Who so ever desires constant success must be willing to change his conduct with the times."

It takes energy to convince yourself that you need a change and it also takes energy to implement that change. In order to develop the right attitude for every situation you find yourself, you can either change what you can or adjust to what you can't change, simply because you've already tried it many times and found an alternative way to go about it.

As always, I would like to ask you this...

What are you trying to change today, that would make you channel all your energy and ensure that you achieve your desired outcome?

I challenge you to take up few steps today that will propel you to the cause of your dream and focus your energy towards that good cause.
Go for it and go get it...

You can leave your comment here below this page and I look forward reading your lovely comments.

By Temitayo Oyediran.
(Director, Teesoft Limited.)

(Teesoft Limited is a consulting and coaching company with expertise in project management, service management, business analysis and personal/corporate coaching.)

follow us on twitter: @TeesoftCL 
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LinkedIn page: Temitayo Oyediran