Monday, 1 October 2012

Tenacity against adversity brings visibility!!!

A fisherman has more & greater chance of catching more fishes in an ocean than in a small pool of water, a hunter has more opportunity of hunting down a bush meat in a thick forest than he does in a field of small grasses. 
The birds have more opportunities of flying higher there in the sky than when they are locked up in a room or cage.

What this means to us is that, the more problems or challenges around us, the greater our chances of gaining more opportunities to become great by solving those problems.

The best way around this is not to focus on the problem itself but keep trying different means, as you look forward for the best way possible to overcome the problem. 
This makes you innovative and then you also learn new things as you try to resolve the issue. 

Here is a simple quote; "At times of adversity, we must be tenacious enough to come out refined & not burnt." ~ Temitayo Oyediran. 

Remember to always have the attitude of winning and don't be defeated by shivering at problems but be bold enough to withstand the problems and thereby emerge as a refined gold out of a burning furnace. 
FEAR simply means: "For Every Adversity, there's a Reason; so bear it & stay strong to come out great."

By Temitayo Oyediran,
Director, Teesoft Limited.

(Teesoft Limited is a consulting and coaching company with expertise in project management, service management, business analysis and personal/corporate coaching.)