Monday, 1 October 2012

Tenacity against adversity brings visibility!!!

A fisherman has more & greater chance of catching more fishes in an ocean than in a small pool of water, a hunter has more opportunity of hunting down a bush meat in a thick forest than he does in a field of small grasses. 
The birds have more opportunities of flying higher there in the sky than when they are locked up in a room or cage.

What this means to us is that, the more problems or challenges around us, the greater our chances of gaining more opportunities to become great by solving those problems.

The best way around this is not to focus on the problem itself but keep trying different means, as you look forward for the best way possible to overcome the problem. 
This makes you innovative and then you also learn new things as you try to resolve the issue. 

Here is a simple quote; "At times of adversity, we must be tenacious enough to come out refined & not burnt." ~ Temitayo Oyediran. 

Remember to always have the attitude of winning and don't be defeated by shivering at problems but be bold enough to withstand the problems and thereby emerge as a refined gold out of a burning furnace. 
FEAR simply means: "For Every Adversity, there's a Reason; so bear it & stay strong to come out great."

By Temitayo Oyediran,
Director, Teesoft Limited.

(Teesoft Limited is a consulting and coaching company with expertise in project management, service management, business analysis and personal/corporate coaching.)

Sunday, 30 September 2012


Happy Independence to Nigeria. I know many people will be wondering, why the need to celebrate but I want to simply remind us this. That Nigeria is still called Nigeria today is a celebration and Nigeria itself is only the name of a place that occupy Nigerians, as well as the people who dwell in it. We all know that a child grows up gradually by facing both positive & negative effects of challenges but his attitude towards these challenges will define who he will later become. I believe that's why we have also experienced both bad & good governances, but the only difference between our negative & positive experiences from these previous governments is the attitude ascribed to those experiences. Are Nigerians willing to move Nigeria forward or accept defeat as a failing country? No I believe. So, therefore Nigerians should not tell Nigeria to make progress by itself but we Nigerians need to make the progress & it starts with you, I mean you... It is the act of unity & collaboration among the future of Nigeria that can take Nigeria up to a greater nation, because Nigeria is already great today but it can only be greater tomorrow & tomorrow is the future that those that are working towards building the future, must begin the implementation today. And, because we want to move forward doesn't mean that we should neglect or not look backward to pick some lessons from our good & bad experiences in the past; since we will be needing them to foster ahead in the modernization & manifestation of a greater future for our dear nation. I hereby call on those that are working towards the future of Nigeria to work in collaboration & take this great nation to a greater future that we all want; but we can only achieve this, if we try. Remember, a great team make the dream work and a divided house can never stand; so we must work together in unity with great attitude. I am willing to work with anyone that has any strategic plan to fulfill this purpose without causing any havoc or pain to anyone. God bless Nigeria & God bless Nigerians. Happy 52 celebration!!!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Some key words that I picked out from 2012 Democratic National Convention spoken by President Barack Obama.

"Hope in the face of difficulties and uncertainty... Our hope is been tested... We have been there, we've tried that and we're not moving backward, we are moving forward, America... We don't think the government can solve all of our problems and we don't think the government is the source of our problems. No one is to be blamed for our problems... Our destinies are bound together... America, is not about what can be done for me but what can be done by us... And He rounded up his speech with this statement of truth and hope; "America, I never said this journey will be easy and I won't promise that now. Yes, our path is harder but at least to a better place. Yes, our road is longer but we travel it together. We don't turn back, we leave no one behind, we pull each other up, we draw strength from our victories and we learn from our mistakes, but we keep our eyes fixed on the distance arising, knowing that confidence is with us and we are surely blessed to be citizens of the greatest Nation on earth. Thank you, God bless you and God bless this United state."~ President Barack Obama (2012 Democratic National Convention)

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Failure is minor but lesson learnt is major...

I came across a tweet that gave me an insight into a topic that I've been pondering on how to compose the message and I feel I should share it while I also elaborate more of it. "If you have the willingness to learn, learn the lessons from your failure. Forget the details & try again the next time more intelligently."~ @sam_adeyemi. If you know a little bit about planting seeds, then you will understand that a seed sown into the ground must first be dead & decay before it can grow out to produce any fruit. And these goes to tell us that we sometimes face challenges that are meant to make us learn some lessons that would take us to that greater height we've always envisioned. We only just need to have great attitude towards learning from these challenges and using those lessons to sharpen our paths to greatness, with great commitment. Diligence sure pays off more than just wishing!!!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Reasons for every season!!!

Without a target there's no goal/aim, without a destination there can never be a drive and without a deadline, time is so useless & irrelevant. 
There's always a reason for any action, either good/bad but the end result justifies the reason for the action. We most times forget the reason we are doing something and focus only on the end result. 
The reason for our actions serve as the backbone of anything we do and without a backbone/foundation, the project or anything we're doing may not last. 

I will also like to say that there's no reason to wake up everyday if you don't have anything to do for the day & there's also no reason to stay awake all night if there's no reason to do so. When we focus more on the reason for our actions, we make those actions/projects easier for us to carry out and therefore boost our energy of bringing them to reality. 
 Make every reason count for your actions in every season.

Challenges are also for greatness, don't prevent them but deal with them!!!

When we are faced with difficulties, it's like a man in the jungle faced with lion. Two things will come to his mind; the first is to run & obviously you can't run faster than a lion & the other option is to look for any sharp object around him, to try and kill the lion before the lion does likewise. If he is fortunate enough to kill the lion, then he becomes a warrior and ordinary people will begin to fear him & he will not be afraid to deal with other smaller animals anymore, because of his victory with the lion; being the king of the jungle. In the period of difficulties, we have two options to make & any of these decisions can either make us great or defeat us to the bottomless pit. Why don't we try to fight those difficult situations rather than running from them? Maybe that will be our own way leading us to greatness. I have come to understand that it is better to fight against your challenges rather than running from it, even if the problem looks bigger than what you can deal with. In the process of wanting to fight the challenge, you gain an invisible strength and boldness from your inside, and that's very important in overcoming most challenges. Therefore, don't run from your challenges but stay to fight and deal with them, so that you can become a hero & a great person.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Innovate through observation!!!

How do we become innovative if we cannot innovate, how do we innovate if we cannot find a problem to solve, how do we find a problem to solve if we don't look for it, how do we look for problems if we are not been observant? 
Observation is the beginning of any innovation but desperate desire to innovate must come from the problem solver by always looking for problems & generating different solutions, until one of the solutions produce the actual result expected and it also gives room for improvement on the long run. No innovation should be static, or else it will be useless; but it must also be flexible enough to be able to adapt to diverse situations & circumstances. 
James Russell Lowell said in a quote; "Creativity is not the finding of a thing but the making something out of it, after it is found.
So, when you have found a problem, observed it & have come up with a solution to the problem, then you can device a means of mapping the plans to propel the development of the idea.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Difficulties that sharpen your future, learn from them!

To cut down a tree, you must use a sharp object. You can never use a blunt object to cut any other object, it must be a sharp one. To win any competition, you must go through tremendous practices. To become a great man, you must be prepared to go through hard situations & come out sharpened for greatness. Anything that does not cost you anything is not yours, therefore it's not appreciated. Try to identify those difficult situations, learn from them & build your experience from there. Experience is the best teacher. A great man is that person, who has been sharpened by sharp objects, refined by seething furnace of fire and who has been made pure from impure circumstances, to achieve great success. The hotter the water on the fire, the quicker it cooks. I quote Jim Rohn when he said: "The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance. Proceed, light will dawn and shine with increasing clearness on your path." Learn to be sensitive to the lessons that your hardship is teaching you.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Value your vision to be evaluated!!!

Many people do say that they have visions but they are not just sure if the vision is really for them or for someone else. 
It is obvious that those person are only living in a mirage and not in reality, why?
Because, a vision is like your birthright and it can only be for you or not for you, though you might need or would need other people to actualize the vision with you. 

It just has to be specific and realistic, if you truly want to pursue the vision to achieve it. 

I often say to people, that you must discover yourself first before you can identify your vision; because your vision must be in-line with your personality. They both go together.

Here are some of my quotes to support this article on Valuable visions:

"If the vision is not yours, then you won't value it. The vision is definitely for someone who will live to die for his dream."~Temitayo Oyediran.

"A man with a vision has more people to carry his vision than he can even envision."~Temitayo Oyediran

Maybe you've not envisioned your vision yet or it could also be that you've not even identified who you really are. 
When these things are in place, you would be amazed at the rate at which people will flock around you to assist in making your dream come to live. 

People want to help someone who values what he/she carries. 
If you value your vision, it will also be valued by others... It is essentially valuable to value your vision, after it has been envisioned. 

By Temitayo Oyediran,
Director, Teesoft Limited.

(Teesoft Limited is a consulting and coaching company with expertise in project management, service management, business analysis and personal/corporate coaching.)

Lessons of Observation!!!

There's always a lesson in everything. Observation is better than waiting to be thought, before you understand why things are being done like this or like that. Great people that have achieved success don't wait to be thought before they go and look for the knowledge, wherever it may be found. Every bad or good thing that has happened to you must have thought you atleast a lesson, if you're observant. Take time out to meditate on those things, identify which ones are good & the few ones that are not too good, and then find out from your meditation why they happened the they did. What could you have done instead of the steps taken that led you to the success or failure of the event/situation? By doing this, you would have also acquired more knowledge of identifying your great strengths and how you can measure your success.

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Meditation is only for those that have anticipation. 
If we are not expecting, then there's no need to be reflecting on our steps/actions taken in the past that brought us to where we are today. 

Meditation is the act of acknowledging the fact that some steps taken toward things that happened to us in the past have brought us to our present situations and we have to take the right steps that will channel us to a greater future. 
It is the same mindset that we have today that will take us to where we will be in the future, so we need to have a positive mindset for a positive future. 

If only we can meditate on those times we had to sit for exams many times before we finally passed it and moved to the next class or when Parents would tell us not to do something but we would go ahead to do them until we got to that point when we realized how bad those things were, because we've grown older and now we know better...

It takes only a quiet and less busy mind to critically meditate and be committed to come up with a vigorous action plan on what to implement in making a better future. 

Here is a simply quote from myself that explains more about meditation and implementation of action plan: 
"We must dedicate to meditate before we communicate, and after then we have to formulate a plan that we must activate; so as to relate the result with what we intend to generate." ~ Temitayo Oyediran

And here is also a similar quote from a Ester Buchholz when she said: "Others inspire us, information feeds us, practice improves our performance, but we need quiet time to figure things out, to emerge with new discoveries, to unearth original answers.

It's not good to only focus on the future alone but to also meditate on those good/bad past, learn some vital lessons from there and device a plan that will prevent you from making the same mistakes of the past, while you embrace the skills or talents identified from your meditation on the past. 

Meditation is only done by the wise and for the wise.

By Temitayo Oyediran,
Director, Teesoft Limited.

(Teesoft Limited is a consulting and coaching company with expertise in project management, service management, business analysis and personal/corporate coaching.)

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Surround yourself with some people who criticize your views and many people who support your views or ideas; at least you are still in the position to actually make the final decision on what actions to take. The critics are not to break you but to make you better and stronger, while the supports are to make you feel special that you're doing something right & you should keep up the good work. If there's no critics, you might not know your weaknesses and that also tells you that they are following what you do but not in total support. Without the support on the other hand, you might be blinded to your strengths but the most important thing is what you do with both the critics and the support that you get from people you surround yourself with. I quote George S. Patton when he said "If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking" and Daniel Priestley also said in his book (Key People Of Influence) KPI that "A Vital person welcome challenging debate & stimulating ideas, to bring out the best in them." Don't just listen to supporting views of others but also evaluate the critics, because there might be a bit of truth in it. By Tee-softCL Oyediran!!!

Friday, 1 June 2012


"INNOVATIVE MIND OF AN ENTREPRENEUR" on Saturday 23rd June, 2012 at Conference room W102, law building, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield; by 12pm. This business/networking event is where like-minds come together to share great innovative ideas and build up a strong team of achieving great things together. We have features like: INNOVATIVE TASKS, COACHING, KNOWLEDGE-SHARING, NETWORKING, MOTIVATION, STRATEGIC THINKING PRACTICES, TEAM-BUILDING, MIND EXPLORATION, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, CREATIVE THINKING AND IDEATION e.t.c. Come and share ideas with innovative minds. Register by sending a mail with your Name and contact details to or send a text to any of these numbers: 07984567586, 07508436109, 07956146475. I quote Peter Drucker: "Innovation is the specific tool of Entrepreneur; the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or different service." W. Arthur Porter also said: "The innovation point is the pivotal moment when talented and motivated people seek the opportunity to act on their ideas and dreams." Remember, INnovation is from the Inside (i.e. Mind) and not from your appearance. I look forward to seeing you there!!!

Saturday, 26 May 2012


I was inspired by this Formula for Successful Innovation from Tim Staniland, and I hope you will be inspired to. Shed to shop Part 1 INNOVATION IS FROM THE INSIDE (i.e. MIND)


Importance of media. Media as a medium of communication. Youth as the middle of old and young. Read, enjoy and share the presentation with others.


Do you have a giant in you? Is the giant in you functioning? Are you bold enough to show me the giant in you? How great is the giant in you? Come and let's achieve greatness together, as we steer the giants in us up. Read, enjoy and share the presentation with others.

Thursday, 26 April 2012


If it is not made of wood, it is made of metal or it is made of plastic. If it is not made for her, it is made for him. If it is not made for them, it is made for us. If it is not made for this, then it is sure made for that. 

Everything that exists has been created for a reason & purpose, which must be accomplished before the full essence of its creation can be comprehended. 

That is the same way I'll like to say that we have all been made for greatness, because we possess that greatness inside of us; only for us to actually build on the foundation that has been set on ground, already. 
It is not a hard thing to do, but a slight adjustment with commitment for greatness would be needed by us, so that we can all achieve greatness together.

Remember, to attain greatness; you must visit great places, be close to great people, read great books, speak with boldness, act wisely, walk with consciousness of being great, sow seeds of greatness in the lives of people, be humble to learn from others and be enthusiastic for greatness.

William Shakespeare said in a quote "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" and William Jennings Bryan also said in the same way and I quote "Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice.
It is not something to wish for, but it is a thing to be achieved."

Keep on walking your way to greatness, because you're made for it...
By TeesoftCL Oyediran!!!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Devotion to Great Thinking!

The thicker a forest, the more quiet it gets & the more strong, dangerous & great animals dwell therein. The deeper a sea, the more quiet it gets & the more the possibility of inhabiting great whales, sharks or big fishes. We do not need the whole lot of people around us before we can think or reflect on things that can lead us through to greatness. We only need some quiet times with effective meditation and rigorous concentration. Ester Buchholz said and I quote her "Others inspire us, information feeds us, practice improves our performance, but we need quiet time to figure things out, to emerge with new discoveries, to unearth original answers." Keep yourself away from noise and spend some quality time to figure out the best of yourself; then devote your mind & your time to achieving that best. By Tee-softCL Oyediran!!!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Identity with Purpose.

The sun, moon & stars in the sky are all meant to give light to the world. 
If this is not accomplished, then they will not be seen and their IDENTITY will be missing. 

We all need to be identified for something good and of unique purpose.
Unique identity breeds value and branding, which makes it possible for you to influence others in your own cause of visualization.

Alan Rudolph said "Human identity is the most fragile thing that we have and it's often only found in moments of truth" and Kenneth L. Pike said "Identity in the form of continuity of personality is an extremely important characteristic of the individual".

Identify yourself and be a purpose-full man.

By Temitayo Oyediran,
Director, Teesoft Limited.

(Teesoft Limited is a consulting and coaching company with expertise in project management, service management, business analysis and personal/corporate coaching.)

VISUALIZE-View to See where it Lies!!!

VISUALIZE- View to See where it Lies.
I see visualization as a means of perceiving something great before it happens.
Vision takes the first part of achieving greatness, with combination of commitment and enthusiasm.
If you have seen it, then you must work through it.

People will only want to run the vision with you, if they can see your passion towards it & how much effort you're putting to embrace others run the cause of the vision with you.
Thomas Edison said in a quote "Vision without execution is hallucination" and Vaclav Havel also said in a quote that "Vision is not enough; but it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up d steps, we must step up d stairs."

Engage yourself in working through what you've visualize and only after then, will others want to follow you; because of your commitment to it. 
Eddie Rickenbacker also gave his own formula of success and I quote "I can give you a six-word formula for success: THINK THINGS THROUGH-THEN FOLLOW THROUGH." 

Value today, value yourself and value your skills but visualize tomorrow.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Failure brings success, courage is in-between!!!

Stars in the sky struggle to shine when the day is bright but they are very visible when it's dark. 

This goes to say that you don't need the most comfortable circumstance/environment to achieve greatness; you only need to be creative & turn every situation you find yourself to your own advantage (i.e. Think out of the box). 
Oprah Winfrey said: "Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new centre of gravity; don't fight them, just find a different way to stand"; Winston Churchill also said: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts". 

Remember, success is at the opposite end of failure. 
By Tee-softCL Oyediran.

Everything is for a reason, get the best of life...

The experience of yesterday, the commitment to value today & the hope for the future are the steps toward greatness. 

Do not ignore or disregard them but embrace them, as you climb the ladder of success...
I quote John Scully: "The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious." 

Everything that happen to you is for a reason, depending on your attitude towards it.
By Tee-softCL Oyediran.


Great men don't just become great because of their wealth, ambitions, qualifications or achievements; but because they've decided to act as SERVANTS, serving the multitude in achieving what the people thought they couldn't achieve by themselves.

The only difference is that, their passion to serve people made them to become the LEADERS of the people they served... 

Winston Churchill said: "What is the use of living, if it isn't to strive for noble causes & make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we've gone"; Albert Pike said "What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; but what we have done for others & the world remains and it is immortal" & Martin Luther King Jr also said: "An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity".

To become great, your duty is to serve others & not yourself alone. By Tee-softCL Oyediran.

Focus more on your strengths than your weaknesses!!!

When there's no light, then there is darkness, when it's not a Yes, then it's a No & if you're not good at something, then you must be bad at it.

Focus more on your strengths, than you do with your weaknesses; because those are the areas where you're weak (i.e. Weak-ness)...

Jeffrey Pfeffer says & I quote: "You are more likely to acquire power by narrowing your focus & applying your energies, like d sun’s rays, to a limited range of activities in a small number of domains."
Have a more productive day.

By Tee-softCL Oyediran!!!

Creative Innovation is a continuous process!

A seed must be sown to produce more seeds, a step taken leads to more steps ahead, a goal achieved leads to more goals ahead & an idea implemented brings more ideas to surface. 

There's no finish-line to achieving success, only d starting point; keep on getting better on a daily basis. 
Be creatively innovative... By Tee-softCL Oyediran

Be a knowledge-seeker!!!

We must be silent before we can listen, we must listen before we can learn, we must learn before we can prepare, we must prepare before we can serve & we must serve before we can lead... 

It is often said that Leaders are readers; if they don't read widely, they must be reading wisely. 

"Knowledge builds competence, which builds confidence, which gives you unlimited power."

This goes to say that you must be willing to acquire knowledge, in other to be on the fast track to greatness... 

In all your ways, be effective in seeking knowledge. By Tee-softCL Oyediran!!!

Reflection on your inner-thinking!!!

There's no Harvest without sowing and there's no knowledge without learning. 

It is not only what you give in (learn/acquire) that breaks/makes you but what comes out from your inside can either make/break you; so you must give your inside a positive thinking that will produce a positive outcome...

I quote Mick Ukleja & Robert Lorber "Reflection is looking in, so you can look out with a broader, bigger and more accurate perspective".

Be a reflection of what you are thinking on the inside. By Tee-softCL Oyediran

Be productive...

A hungry man dreams that he eats, but when he wakes up, he must still look for food; a thirsty man dreams that he drinks, but when he wakes up, he must still look for water to drink; so is an ambitious man when he dreams of greatness, he must still wake up to act on his dreams... 

Cultivate the habit of DOING, more than mere dreaming!!!

I quote Franklin D. Roosevelt when he said; "One thing is sure, that we have to do something. We have to do the best we know how, at the moment. If it doesn't turn out right, we can modify it as we go along."
Have a wonderful day doing something productive. 

By Temitayo Oyediran,
Director, Teesoft Limited.

(Teesoft Limited is a consulting and coaching company with expertise in project management, service management, business analysis and personal/corporate coaching.)

Learning Is Growing!

The more you search, the more you find, the more you know and the more you will want to know. Do not limit you knowledge-search. "I take learning as a process of acquiring knowledge from everything & anything. Be it in your good times or bad times, just make sure you have learnt something & it could be very useful for you in the future" ~ Tee-softCL Oyediran. Abraham Lincoln also said and I quote "I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday." I'll expect you to keep growing in knowledge, as you continually grow the people around you. By Tee-softCL Oyediran!

Monday, 16 April 2012

Word Of Encouragement

A leaf cannot make a tree, a single tree cannot make a forest, a Doctor is useless without patients, a Salesman is useless without customers; so also is any business useless without clients/customers. You need to value the people around you or those you engage with on a regular basis, because they are your great assets. Albert Einstein said "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value" and he said again that "The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not what he is able to receive." It is very lonely at the top, so surround yourself with great minds & show that you truly value them. By TeesoftCL Oyediran